Comments on: Understanding California Medical Malpractice Claims Get national legal assistance Thu, 30 Mar 2023 10:17:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: B. A. Thu, 30 Mar 2023 10:17:42 +0000 I was dropped in the hospital (in CA)a few days after my open heart surgery 11/3/22 and have been suffering from neck pain ever since. When I say dropped , I, was transported from my room to have a ultrasound. As I was requested to get up and sit back down in the wheelchair in order to be transported back to my room. I was asked to sit down in the wheelchair and I repeated the request verbally because there was no one holding onto the wheelchair or near it. I did as asked and the chair flew out from under me and I went down like a ton of bricks. Arms stretched out to my side to brace the fall. My neck has been in substantial pain ever since. What or who can I talk with to get something established to help me through this process?.?? I am in my 60s and in great shape except for being injured. HELP!
