Should You Get A Workers' Comp Attorney?

After an injury on the job, should you get an attorney and when do you need an attorney? In this video, attorney Michael Burgis discusses why you should get a workers compensation attorney.

If you were injured at work and would like to know the law, contact us for a FREE CONSULTATION.

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DISCLAIMER – This video is for educational purposes only.
The video is a general overview and is based on the opinion of Mr. Burgis.
Every claim is distinct and the applicable law can vary from case to case and
is dependent on multiple factors including, the date of injury.
This video is in no way intended as legal advice.
This video does not create an attorney-client relationship.
Feel free to contact the Law Offices of Michael Burgis & Associates, P.C. for a FREE personalized case evaluation at (855)287-4471.
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What Makes A Workers Comp Case Worth A Big Settlement?
What Makes A Workers Comp Case Worth A Big Settlement?

Don’t guess. Just check out the video!

If you have a Workers Comp injury, give me a call for help, get a free consultation by calling me at 312-500-4500.
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If you were injured and want to make sure you get what the law says you are entitled to get, then get a free consultation by calling me at 312-500-4500.

If you’d like to know more, I created a FREE Injury Cheat Sheet that explains the things you need to know and do after an Injury. Knowing this info can mean the difference between winning and LOSING a case. And I offer it to injured people for 100% no cost and no obligation. Free.

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Thanks for watching and let me know if I can help. 🙂

Scott D. DeSalvo
Injury Lawyer

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  1. Para que pedir ayuda a esta clase de abogados que solo buscan como robar y obtener beneficios para ellos mismos .. Michael Burgis Hiso mi reclamo con otra aseguranza diferente que no era la de mi empleador . aparte le agrego partes dañadas del cuerpo a su reclamo que no estaban en mi reclamo . Mas de un año mi caso a estado negado por su culpa y yo e estado accidentado y sin ayuda por su culpa.. Aparte todo un año me obligo asistir a una clinica de la doctora Russman en Burbank diciendo que ella me hiba autorizar mi specialista y operacion y fue pura mentira.. To pido que le agan una auditoria de todos los casos a Michael Burguis para ver cuanto dinero a obtenido bajo nuestros reclamos..

  2. Para que pedir ayuda a esta clase de abogados que solo buscan como robar y obtener beneficios para ellos mismos .. Michael Burgis Hiso mi reclamo con otra aseguranza diferente que no era la de mi empleador . aparte le agrego partes dañadas del cuerpo a su reclamo que no estaban en mi reclamo . Mas de un año mi caso a estado negado por su culpa y yo e estado accidentado y sin ayuda por su culpa.. Aparte todo un año me obligo asistir a una clinica de la doctora Russman en Burbank diciendo que ella me hiba autorizar mi specialista y operacion y fue pura mentira.. To pido que le agan una auditoria de todos los casos a Michael Burguis para ver cuanto dinero a obtenido bajo nuestros reclamos..

  3. Para que pedir ayuda a esta clase de abogados que solo buscan como robar y obtener beneficios para ellos mismos .. Michael Burgis Hiso mi reclamo con otra aseguranza diferente que no era la de mi empleador . aparte le agrego partes dañadas del cuerpo a su reclamo que no estaban en mi reclamo . Mas de un año mi caso a estado negado por su culpa y yo e estado accidentado y sin ayuda por su culpa.. Aparte todo un año me obligo asistir a una clinica de la doctora Russman en Burbank diciendo que ella me hiba autorizar mi specialista y operacion y fue pura mentira.. To pido que le agan una auditoria de todos los casos a Michael Burguis para ver cuanto dinero a obtenido bajo nuestros reclamos..

  4. Para que pedir ayuda a esta clase de abogados que solo buscan como robar y obtener beneficios para ellos mismos .. Michael Burgis Hiso mi reclamo con otra aseguranza diferente que no era la de mi empleador . aparte le agrego partes dañadas del cuerpo a su reclamo que no estaban en mi reclamo . Mas de un año mi caso a estado negado por su culpa y yo e estado accidentado y sin ayuda por su culpa.. Aparte todo un año me obligo asistir a una clinica de la doctora Russman en Burbank diciendo que ella me hiba autorizar mi specialista y operacion y fue pura mentira.. To pido que le agan una auditoria de todos los casos a Michael Burguis para ver cuanto dinero a obtenido bajo nuestros reclamos..

  5. Para que pedir ayuda a esta clase de abogados que solo buscan como robar y obtener beneficios para ellos mismos .. Michael Burgis Hiso mi reclamo con otra aseguranza diferente que no era la de mi empleador . aparte le agrego partes dañadas del cuerpo a su reclamo que no estaban en mi reclamo . Mas de un año mi caso a estado negado por su culpa y yo e estado accidentado y sin ayuda por su culpa.. Aparte todo un año me obligo asistir a una clinica de la doctora Russman en Burbank diciendo que ella me hiba autorizar mi specialista y operacion y fue pura mentira.. To pido que le agan una auditoria de todos los casos a Michael Burguis para ver cuanto dinero a obtenido bajo nuestros reclamos..

  6. Para que pedir ayuda a esta clase de abogados que solo buscan como robar y obtener beneficios para ellos mismos .. Michael Burgis Hiso mi reclamo con otra aseguranza diferente que no era la de mi empleador . aparte le agrego partes dañadas del cuerpo a su reclamo que no estaban en mi reclamo . Mas de un año mi caso a estado negado por su culpa y yo e estado accidentado y sin ayuda por su culpa.. Aparte todo un año me obligo asistir a una clinica de la doctora Russman en Burbank diciendo que ella me hiba autorizar mi specialista y operacion y fue pura mentira.. To pido que le agan una auditoria de todos los casos a Michael Burguis para ver cuanto dinero a obtenido bajo nuestros reclamos..

  7. Para que pedir ayuda a esta clase de abogados que solo buscan como robar y obtener beneficios para ellos mismos .. Michael Burgis Hiso mi reclamo con otra aseguranza diferente que no era la de mi empleador . aparte le agrego partes dañadas del cuerpo a su reclamo que no estaban en mi reclamo . Mas de un año mi caso a estado negado por su culpa y yo e estado accidentado y sin ayuda por su culpa.. Aparte todo un año me obligo asistir a una clinica de la doctora Russman en Burbank diciendo que ella me hiba autorizar mi specialista y operacion y fue pura mentira.. To pido que le agan una auditoria de todos los casos a Michael Burguis para ver cuanto dinero a obtenido bajo nuestros reclamos..

  8. Para que pedir ayuda a esta clase de abogados que solo buscan como robar y obtener beneficios para ellos mismos .. Michael Burgis Hiso mi reclamo con otra aseguranza diferente que no era la de mi empleador . aparte le agrego partes dañadas del cuerpo a su reclamo que no estaban en mi reclamo . Mas de un año mi caso a estado negado por su culpa y yo e estado accidentado y sin ayuda por su culpa.. Aparte todo un año me obligo asistir a una clinica de la doctora Russman en Burbank diciendo que ella me hiba autorizar mi specialista y operacion y fue pura mentira.. To pido que le agan una auditoria de todos los casos a Michael Burguis para ver cuanto dinero a obtenido bajo nuestros reclamos..

  9. Para que pedir ayuda a esta clase de abogados que solo buscan como robar y obtener beneficios para ellos mismos .. Michael Burgis Hiso mi reclamo con otra aseguranza diferente que no era la de mi empleador . aparte le agrego partes dañadas del cuerpo a su reclamo que no estaban en mi reclamo . Mas de un año mi caso a estado negado por su culpa y yo e estado accidentado y sin ayuda por su culpa.. Aparte todo un año me obligo asistir a una clinica de la doctora Russman en Burbank diciendo que ella me hiba autorizar mi specialista y operacion y fue pura mentira.. To pido que le agan una auditoria de todos los casos a Michael Burguis para ver cuanto dinero a obtenido bajo nuestros reclamos..

  10. Para que pedir ayuda a esta clase de abogados que solo buscan como robar y obtener beneficios para ellos mismos .. Michael Burgis Hiso mi reclamo con otra aseguranza diferente que no era la de mi empleador . aparte le agrego partes dañadas del cuerpo a su reclamo que no estaban en mi reclamo . Mas de un año mi caso a estado negado por su culpa y yo e estado accidentado y sin ayuda por su culpa.. Aparte todo un año me obligo asistir a una clinica de la doctora Russman en Burbank diciendo que ella me hiba autorizar mi specialista y operacion y fue pura mentira.. To pido que le agan una auditoria de todos los casos a Michael Burguis para ver cuanto dinero a obtenido bajo nuestros reclamos..

  11. Para que pedir ayuda a esta clase de abogados que solo buscan como robar y obtener beneficios para ellos mismos .. Michael Burgis Hiso mi reclamo con otra aseguranza diferente que no era la de mi empleador . aparte le agrego partes dañadas del cuerpo a su reclamo que no estaban en mi reclamo . Mas de un año mi caso a estado negado por su culpa y yo e estado accidentado y sin ayuda por su culpa.. Aparte todo un año me obligo asistir a una clinica de la doctora Russman en Burbank diciendo que ella me hiba autorizar mi specialista y operacion y fue pura mentira.. To pido que le agan una auditoria de todos los casos a Michael Burguis para ver cuanto dinero a obtenido bajo nuestros reclamos..

  12. I’m skeptical of my lawyer I signed my portion of a compromise and release settlement and apparently my attorney did as well. The defendants haven’t filed anything to workers comp judge and it’s been over 3 weeks since I signed. Apparently they are waiting on a letter from edd which is clearance or proof that I don’t have any liens that I owe. Which I don’t and never received any payments or unemployment as I never stopped working. Is that a real thing they need? That edd letter ?

  13. I have permanent damage to my arm which hurts my career pretty bad but also endless possibilities neurologically. My head was literally split into 2. Skull and everything i died twice and luckily ended up in a coma when they put my head back together. 1 year later i am becoming somewhat human again. Stay positive! I could sit around and be depressed or make the most of what i can.

  14. Today is Feb. 8th, 2023. I learned today from my pain management doctor's office that the NY State Worker Board decided to stop paying for my monthly prescription of hydrocodone, which has greatly relieved my chronic and severe lower back pain associated with injuries to my spine that I suffered while working for the state of New York. Now, after a failed back surgery in 2011, I have managed to live my life with the aid of this beneficial painkiller that the NY State Worker Comp board has stated in a decision today will no longer be paid for through the NY State Insurance Fund, who is a sister state agency of the worker comp board and was the worker compensation carrier in my worker comp case for my back injuries.

    Without hydrocodone (Vicodin) on a daily basis, four times a day, I would be a pain-ridden vegetable in a wheelchair, tortured by the constant lower back pain that hydrocodone eliminates to a significant degree. And yet the NY Worker Comp board today said in a decision that since my condition has not improved, they see no justification for continuing to have the NY State Insurance Fund pay for my monthly hydrocodone prescriptions.

    I have to ask how many people in my situation would ponder suicide as the only alternative, rather than suffer in physical agony without this very effective pain killer? Or how many people in my situation would then be forced to obtain Vicodin substitutes or hydrocodone substitutes from drug dealers on the street and end up buying from them, the dangerous Fentanyl drug without realizing it, which kills people?

    Can any lawyer out there in NY State or elsewhere, give me advice on how to force the NY State Worker Comp board to reverse their decision. They have all my medical records, all my MRI reports, they know I am not lying about the condition of my spine and how badly it hurts me. Now, to be denied the pain killer that I have been taking since 2010, will only serve to ensure I will suffer much more greatly than at present and I am now out of my medication.

    I will not be able to tolerate the pain. I know, in times past, I have run short on my medication at the end of the month and even just a day or two with this painkiller makes the pain in my spine agonize me to no end, to the point where I cannot even stand up, drive a car, go grocery shopping, go to my doctors' office, run simple errands.

    The person(s) who is deciding my fate at the worker comp board has likely never had reason to be on pain killers themselves and thus, knows nothing about suffering severe pain in their lower back and spine. I need to combat their decision legally as quickly as possible because the torment that will come upon me in the next following days, weeks and months ahead, if I last that long.

    The judge in my section 32 settlement hearing in 2014 promised that as part of my agreement with the WCB, I can continue to have my opioid painkillers would always be paid for, provided I had prescriptions from a doctor. Now the WCB is reneging on their promise

  15. I’d definitely like to see a video about a workers comp case when the company/employer closes for good. Im currently dealing with that and don’t know how to navigate that or if that will effect my case any.

  16. I’ve got a labral tear in my shoulder that happened 5/23/22. I was finally taken out of work bc I do heavy lifting all night 9/6/22. Comp carrier turned surgery down twice that my doc was requesting. Put in a 3 level review of my sergical regulations. Still waiting to this day to approve my surgery. Hopefully soon!

  17. If you are hurt on the Job. You just lost all your rights as a citizen. Proof that our legal system is crooked. And these injury lawyers are not work for you because they are binded by crooked law not to give you fare justice. Truth, do your home work. Lawyers are crooked because they swore on the Barr exam that they will not challenge government if the laws are violating your right. You got it , this is crooked law

  18. How severe is a concision case? I just turned 20 I was hurt at a job site on the 3rd of January. Getting struck by a telecommunication utility pole. and was rushed to the hospital 1hr later after my injury that day. My employer put me on workers comp. I’m currently in rehabilitation suffering memory loss,vision loss, back and neck pain, Nausea and balance issues. And other complications at this time? Thank you for your time.

  19. Hi. Long story short my husband had a 25lb industrial light fall approximately 30 feet hitting the top of his head. The cable broke and he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. He did everything he was supposed to do. Was wearing the proper equipment ect. He sustained a buldging disc in his neck and also to the left of his L4 and right of his L5 S1. So 3 different spots total. He is scheduled to get cortisone shots in all places to see if that helps his pain. He also has pain shooting down leg and also middle fingers on both hands are numb. When he got hit he also possibly suffered a mild concussion because other coworkers stated he was not making any since when talking/explaining what had happened. Do we have a high dollar case by chance? And if so, do you possibly have a ballpark estimate by your experience and similar cases? Thanks for your time. God bless.

  20. Can an employer fire you if you collect workers comp? When you fill out a workers comp form it asks you for your attorney info..if you don’t have an attorney yet, can you go ahead & fill out the form anyway & then when you find an attorney, give them the info?

  21. I just got my final MRI I got lumbar laminectomy done last year April 2021 they're our future medical how much do you think my case it's worth

  22. My case has lasted 5 yrs this may…with neck,back,shoulders, development of scoliosis ,nerve damage etc. My Dr. Says 70% impairment (insurance agreed to 68%). However due to my low wage on the job offered me 25k. Is it normal for a claim to result in low settlements with severe long term damage?

  23. My mom worked for a grocery store as an assistant deli manager for 19 years. Developed carpal tunnel and a hernia during her time working there , we’re from Illinois. Should we even bother seeing a lawyer ?

  24. My mom worked for a grocery store as an assistant deli manager for 19 years. Developed carpal tunnel and a hernia during her time working there , we’re from Illinois. Should we even bother seeing a lawyer ?

  25. So every case gets a settle more for the most part ? What about if you don’t use a lawyer and just go thru workers comp?


  27. I have not been working for a year and 2 month I went to pt and still was having pain in my arm I elected to have surgery I have had the surgery two weeks from to day I was told that the feeling in the fingers on my right hand will never come back I going through rehab next so how does my case look

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