Comments on: California Medical Malpractice Attorney Kaiser Malpractice Lawsuits Get national legal assistance Mon, 07 Aug 2023 10:58:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jami Mon, 07 Aug 2023 10:58:46 +0000 I have a death case with the help of Morphene and no Attorney will take the case.


By: Ms Tina marie Mon, 07 Aug 2023 10:28:03 +0000 THESE KAISER fucks will kill you and fuck with your MENTAL state! They will laugh at you WHILE your having a seizure and slander you because they THINK you can't HEAR them, they will alter messages you send to your unethical lazy Dr who lies to your face, they will alter your MEDICAL records to hide THEIR wrong doings, they will gossip about you, they will fail to fill out important paperwork and put you in a position of going to jail and loosing your car, they will slander the shit out of you and ruin your reputation, THEY WILL STALK YOU ON LINKEDIN AND SOCIAL MEDIA TO ACCUSE YOU OF INSURANCE FRAUD, they will profile and label you so NO OTHER Dr will TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY, they will lie about test results that will lead to worsened infections and health and FUCK YOUR LIFE UP! They will FAIL YOU and your HEALTH on EVERY LEVEL possible and FAIL to diagnose you! They will REFUSE to refer you to a specialist and LET YOUR HEALTH DECLINE FURTHER! I have HAD to have a fucking witness at EVERY appointment, record ALL my appointments, record ALL conversations with these unethical KAISER crooks, save emails from social media sites letting me know that KAISER EMPLOYEES were VIEWING MY PROFILE and " investigating " me, collect ALL my medical records and including the 30.00 BILL THEY WERE sending ME for COPIES of MY RECORDS I NEVER SIGNED for OR KNEW ABOUT.! They were sending me a BILL for someone getting MY MEDICAL records and violating the HIPPA LAW! I will be posting these things soon and hope to god you stay FAR FAR AWAY from these fucking unethical LYING SHADY fucks! That's IF you want YOUR HEALTH and MENTAL state IN TACT!

By: Cris Pad Mon, 07 Aug 2023 09:51:07 +0000 I need a good lawyer in California LA..
Invest in my case you won't regret #justice4eden #actlikeisyourkid

By: Marcarian Law Firm Mon, 07 Aug 2023 09:12:56 +0000 Hi, Truly appreciate your step-by-step guide to knowing about medical malpractice lawsuits. Thanks for sharing!
